The Steps Towards a COVIDSafe Australia

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As we take the steps towards a COVIDSafe Australia, I’m urging the people of Longman to look to the future and work together as a community.

For Queensland, Step 1 will commence from 11.59pm tonight, allowing this stage to fully roll out as of tomorrow. The timing of each stage is up to the individual state based on their COVID-19 conditions.

Take a listen to my podcast here about the way forward for the community of Longman.

Don’t forget to keep informed about COVID-19 with these useful links: 👇

✅ COVID-19 issues –
✅ Health issues –
✅ Financial matters –
✅ Coronavirus Australia App –…/apps-and-tools/covidsafe-app – You can download the Coronavirus Australia App from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
✅ WhatsApp – – You can download the app onto your computer and your phone.

Make sure you also download the COVIDSafe app –…/apps-and-tools/covidsafe-app

COVIDSafe app links are:
✅ Apple App Store –
✅ Google Play –…

Remember, let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Please don’t hesitate to contact my office on 07 5432 3177 or at [email protected] if you need any assistance or support.

For record keeping purposes, only queries sent to my email will be answered. Questions via social media won’t be answered.

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