The Road to Recovery

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We know the way forward.

A COVIDSafe Australia is within our grasp and Prime Minister Scott Morrison (ScoMo) has outlined the pathway to recovery with the below roadmap. We are aiming for a COVID-safe economy by July of this year.

The timing of each stage will be up to each individual state based on their COVID-19 conditions. The Queensland Government has stated that Stage 1 will commence next Saturday.

– Step 1 includes: 5 visitors to your home, 10 to businesses and public places
– Step 2 includes: gatherings of 20 people. Gyms, beauty, cinemas open. Caravan, camping grounds and some interstate travel open.
– Step 3 includes: gathering sizes increased to 100. Return to workplace, all interstate travel open, nightclubs, food courts and saunas open.

Please continue to maintain 1.5M social distancing and good hygiene as we continue to move forward and don’t hesitate to contact my office on 07 5432 3177 or at [email protected] if you need any assistance or support.

For record keeping purposes, only queries sent to my email will be answered. Questions via social media won’t be answered.

Remember, let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

#staystrong #staysafe #staypositive #Longman #fixingitsoyougetago

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