Recent News & Updates
June 3, 2020
Bribie Island Road upgrade will be motoring ahead in July 2020
It’s taken us two years of lobbying to the State Government for the green light for this project, but I am excited to announce that work on the Bribie Island Road upgrade will turn dirt in July!
Great to join Fiona Gaske – LNP for Pumicestone bright and early this morning to announce the exciting plans on the horizon for Bribie Island Road.
Australian and Queensland Governments have locked in a $30.4 million, jointly-funded agreement to upgrade Bribie Island Road.
Fiona and I will be doing all that we can to ensure that the State Government keeps their promise and gets this project underway ASAP.
June 2, 2020
Backing Australian-Made
Let’s back our local producers and manufacturers by buying Australian-made products whenever possible!
One thing we can all do to help our country’s post-COVID economic recovery is to buy Australian-made and to buy local.
This is why I am calling on Longman residents to join the “Aussie-made Club!”
Just head to the Australian Made website at and “join the club” – it’s free, you get offers and discounts, and it helps you identify a range of Australian-made products.
June 1, 2020
My Visit to Dakabin State School
It was great to head to Dakabin State School last Thursday to meet with new Principal Brendan Smith as well as Gemma Gale.
Both Brendan and Gemma spoke to me about the need to upgrade the school’s facilities and future plans for the school.
I also took a tour through a couple of the classrooms and the kids seemed excited to be back at school.
I believe that our #Longman school students deserve high quality education, fantastic teachers and the very best amenities.
I will continue to lobby the State Government for support and funding, so that our Longman schools will be up there with the best in Australia.
May 31, 2020
Record $131 billion for hospitals
For the next five years, public hospitals will have record funding after all states and territories signed onto the Morrison Government’s new health reform agreement.
This commitment ensures the Australian health system remains stable and nationally coordinated, particularly throughout this unprecedented time.
Overall, the Commonwealth will invest an estimated $131.4 billion in demand driven public hospital funding to improve health outcomes for all Australians and ensure the sustainability of our health system now and into the future.
This record funding agreement will deliver more doctors, more nurses and more services across public hospitals in every state and territory.
For full details please go to:
May 30, 2020
National Palliative Care Week
Australians with life-limiting illnesses deserve to live as full and as comfortably as possible in their final days and weeks.
Palliative Care helps them with this.
This is why National Palliative Care Week marks a time to thank the first-class health professionals who work in pallative care and who support our loved ones and optimise their quality of life for as long as possible.
The Morrison Government is also investing $57.2 million to improve palliative care in aged care facilities across Australia.
We must continue to raise important conversations about palliative care and celebrate the dedication of all those working and volunteering in palliative care across Australia.
For more information please visit https://
May 29, 2020
Fatality Free Friday
Before you get on the road this weekend Longman, stop and have a think about your road habits this Fatality Free Friday.
This year we have seen too many precious Australian lives tragically lost already on our roads.
We must act and take road safety seriously, remind drivers of their responsibilities behind the wheel and all levels of governments must ensure that our roads are safe for all users to use.
The five main causes of road crashes are speeding, drink or drug driving, seatbelt use, fatigue and distraction or inattention.
So before you get in your car and go to work, to see a loved one or go for a drive, please remember to be safe and be aware of other road users.
May 28, 2020
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
Today I raised a cup of tea and tipped the fight against cancer for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea.
This year we had to celebrate Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea a bit differently and sadly couldn’t hold or attend a public event due to COVID-19.
But we still marked the day with a cuppa and a plate of biscuits.
Every year this event makes a big difference to Australians who have been impacted by cancer and every dollar raised helps fund the Cancer Council’s life-saving research, prevention and support programs.
Although the official date is Thursday, 28th May 2020, you can still host a morning tea anytime and anywhere.
Whether you want to have a virtual morning tea online or a catch up with family, you can still play a vital role in supporting all Australians battling cancer.
To find out how you can host your own Biggest Morning Tea, please visit:
May 27, 2020
Interview with 101.5FM – Moreton Bays Own Radio Station
Thanks to 101.5FM – Moreton Bays Own Radio Station for lending me the microphone this week to announce some fantastic news for the community of #Longman.
I also thanked those who have submitted nominations for the 2020 Longman Volunteer Recognition Awards.
The high quality of the nominations was impressive and I will announce the successful nominees soon.
Take a listen to the podcast here:
If you need any assistance or support please don’t hesitate to contact my office on 07 5432 3177 or at [email protected].
May 26, 2020
Turning the Sod with KTQ Developments
It’s important to ensure that people living with disability in Longman have access to essential support services and accommodation.
I grabbed a shovel and turned the sod with KTQ Developments earlier this year for their new disability care accommodation development in Caboolture known as ‘Orion on Rowe.’
Their masterplan is centred around 12 carefully designed Specialist Disability Apartments, and 2 Onsite Overnight Carer accommodation suites. Also included is a state of the art 4 storey office with ground floor café with intent to be run by a Disability Employment and Training Services Provider.
(Photo taken prior to COVID-19 regulations.)
May 25, 2020
Community Spirit in Longman!
Fantastic to see our local Longman aged care providers and churches joining forces to make a real difference to the many families needing a helping hand in the electorate.
Ken and Pastor Michael (left and right in the photo) from the Caboolture Living Hope Church of Christ and Rockpool Residential Aged Care Customer Relations Consultant Jimina (middle of the photo) recently delivered 40 care packs to those most in need in the community.
These packs were filled with essential items, which was kindly donated by Rockpool Residential Aged Care, and have gone a long way towards helping those doing it tough at the moment.
Take a look at Rockpool Morayfield and Caboolture Living Hope Church of Christ’s Facebook pages for more updates about the amazing things they are doing for our community.
May 23, 2020
Busy Fingers on Bribie Island
It was great to see Busy Fingers Fundraisers Inc on Bribie Island reopen this week, so that they can continue to support the local community.
I remember my visit to the shop last year where I was fortunate to meet with the brains and some of the volunteers behind Busy Fingers.
This not-for-profit charity is run by approximately 70 volunteers and helps many organisations and clubs around Bribie Island.
The shop will open on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 8.30am for 4 hours, which will be re-assessed depending on the volunteer roster.
You can find out more by visiting https://
May 22, 2020
The 2020 Longman Volunteer Recognition Awards
Thank you to everyone who submitted nominations for the 2020 Longman Volunteer Recognition Awards. 🏆
Nominations have now closed.
I was pleased with the high quality of volunteers who were nominated this year and I will be in touch soon to announce the successful nominees.
Thank you to each and every volunteer in the electorate of #Longman for all that you do for this community. Your passion and dedication is inspiring.
If you have any questions please contact me at [email protected] or on 07 5432 3177.
May 21, 2020
Interview with 4510TV
It was great to have the chance to sit down with Scott from Caboolture – 4510TV for a one-on-one chat about my first 12 months as Federal Member for Longman.
Check out the interview at the link below.
If you need any assistance or support please don’t hesitate to contact my office on 07 5432 3177 or at [email protected].
For record keeping purposes, only queries sent to my email will be answered. Questions via social media won’t be answered.
May 20, 2020
Helping Hands in Longman
The Caboolture Neighbourhood Centre has come together with the Beachmere Lions, Sandstone Point Lionesses and the Morayfield And District Lions Club to do great things for the Longman community during these times.
These groups have done a fantastic job preparing and distributing these hampers for those in need. This is true community spirit!
If you’re looking to volunteer your time for a good cause, why not look to your local community groups?
It was great to have a chat with Malcolm from the Caboolture Neighbourhood Centre on Tuesday about the centre, which has 34 volunteers, including its 6 directors.
Malcolm said the Centre is always looking for more volunteers to join them and is working tirelessly to meet the individual and community needs of the Longman electorate.
Please take a look at their website at for more information about the wide range of support programs they offer.
If you need any assistance please contact the Centre on their Facebook page, by email at [email protected] or on 07 5495 3818.
May 19, 2020
Our Longman volunteers are absolute champions!
Their passion for the community of Longman is inspirational and they work tirelessly from their hearts and souls. This is the kind of true Aussie spirit we need.
Thank you to all of our Longman volunteers for the work you do to make this community a better place.
Why not thank a volunteer by nominating them for the 2020 Longman Volunteer Recognition Awards!
To nominate a volunteer, simply fill out the form here at and tell us about the volunteer you’re nominating in 100 words or less by close of business on Friday, 22nd of May 2020.
Please give my office a call on 07 5432 3177 or email me at [email protected] if you need any assistance filling out the form.
Remember it’s National Volunteer Week this week, so visit and see what else you can do to thank our volunteers.
May 18, 2020
Thank you Longman!
Doesn’t time fly! This time last year, I had the honour of being elected as your Federal Member and every day I feel privileged to have the opportunity to represent you.
I will continue to fight for the people of Longman with every breath and I will never waver in my mission to make Longman the most desirable place in Australia to live.
Thank you to the Longman community, my family, my friends and volunteers for their faith and support.
May 17, 2020
Building a COVIDSafe Australia
We all have our own parts to play as we build a COVIDSafe Australia. We want to ensure the lives of all Australians are protected and that baseline restrictions can continue to be eased.
As of Friday, more than 5.7 million Australians have downloaded the COVIDSafe app.
If you haven’t already, you can help us with an important step in the fight against COVID-19 by downloading the COVIDSafe app here:
NOTE: If you have downloaded the original Coronavirus Australia app (
Please don’t hesitate to contact my office on 07 5432 3177 or at [email protected] if you need any assistance or support.
For record keeping purposes, only queries sent to my email will be answered. Questions via social media won’t be answered.
Remember, let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
May 16, 2020
🏆 2020 Longman Volunteer Recognition Awards 🏆
Our Longman volunteers are worth their weight in gold!
So don’t forget you have until this coming Friday to nominate a member of the Longman community who you think deserves to be recognised for their outstanding volunteer work.
Have a listen to my podcast at this link for the full details:
To nominate a volunteer, simply fill out the form here at https://
Please give my office a call on 07 5432 3177 or email me at [email protected] if you need any assistance filling out the form.
Remember, National Volunteer Week starts on Monday so visit https://
May 15, 2020
The Steps Towards a COVIDSafe Australia
As we take the steps towards a COVIDSafe Australia, I’m urging the people of Longman to look to the future and work together as a community.
For Queensland, Step 1 will commence from 11.59pm tonight, allowing this stage to fully roll out as of tomorrow. The timing of each stage is up to the individual state based on their COVID-19 conditions.
Take a listen to my podcast here about the way forward for the community of Longman.
Don’t forget to keep informed about COVID-19 with these useful links: 👇
✅ COVID-19 issues –
✅ Health issues –
✅ Financial matters –
✅ Coronavirus Australia App –…/apps-and-tools/covidsafe-app – You can download the Coronavirus Australia App from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
✅ WhatsApp – – You can download the app onto your computer and your phone.
Make sure you also download the COVIDSafe app –…/apps-and-tools/covidsafe-app
COVIDSafe app links are:
✅ Apple App Store –
✅ Google Play –…
Remember, let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Please don’t hesitate to contact my office on 07 5432 3177 or at [email protected] if you need any assistance or support.
For record keeping purposes, only queries sent to my email will be answered. Questions via social media won’t be answered.
May 15, 2020
The Future for Longman After COVID-19
As we approach a COVIDSafe Australia, it’s time to focus on the way out.
My vision for the community of Longman hasn’t changed and with your help I want to make Longman the greatest place in Australia to live.
Please don’t hesitate to contact my office on 07 5432 3177 or at [email protected] if you need any assistance or support.
For record keeping purposes, only queries sent to my email will be answered. Questions via social media won’t be answered.
Remember, let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
May 13, 2020
Happy Birthday Scott Morrison (ScoMo)!
You have been a beacon of strength and hope for so many Australians.
Thank you for your steadfast support of the community of Longman and for being the true and strong leader that Australia needs.
May 12, 2020
Last year in September, I visited the Caboolture Private Hospital where I spoke with some of Longman’s finest health professionals.
Around 6 years ago, I had shoulder surgery at this hospital and even today I still remember the wonderful and first-class service I received from the nurses and staff.
So today on International Nurses Day, I join all Australians in celebrating and applauding our amazing nurses.
I’m so grateful to all of our health professionals in Longman and across Australia for the vital role they play in our community and in our healthcare system every day.
May 11, 2020
2020 Longman Volunteer Recognition Awards
I’m putting my hand up and thanking all of our Longman volunteers with a special smile and wave of appreciation for National Volunteer Week next week.
Do you know a Longman volunteer who has gone above and beyond? I am calling for nominations for the 2020 Longman Volunteer Recognition Awards.
Simply fill out the online form here at and tell us about the volunteer you’re nominating in 100 words or less and hit send.
You also have the option to download the form here…/2020-Longman-Volunteer-Reco…, complete it and send it to [email protected] by close of business on Friday, 22nd of May 2020.
Give my office a call on 07 5432 3177 if you need any assistance filling out the form.
To find out more about National Volunteer Week (18 – 24 May 2020) please visit
May 11, 2020
Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day to every type of mum out there!
For me, Mother’s Day is all about celebrating that very special woman who raised you and shaped who you are as a person.
Today, I am both grateful and thankful for my mother and my wife, who are not only incredible mothers, but amazing women.
Thank you mothers for all that you do.
May 9, 2020
I Support a Fairer Price for our Dairy Farmers!
I’ve always been pure true blue when it comes to buying milk from our Australian dairy farmers.
Whether you love nothing better than an icy cold glass of milk on a hot day or pour it over your cereal of a morning, you can’t deny that Australian dairy is an important staple of the everyday Australian’s diet.
Over the last twelve months, farmers have endured high input costs due to floods, droughts, fires and now COVID19, but remarkably still been able to keep Australians fed and clothed.
It is only fair that retailers play their part in giving farmers a leg up during this difficult time. This is a way of making amends for the damage done to the industry during the years of $1 milk prices.
The Morrison Government has asked the supermarkets to consider increasing the amount of support they collect from consumers on private label milk and to also consider applying similar measures to branded milk and other products across the refrigerated dairy cabinet.
This would allow the benefits of the supermarkets’ levy to be distributed more evenly to their Australian dairy farmers.
Do you think a fairer price should be paid to our dairy farmers?
May 8, 2020
We know the way forward.
A COVIDSafe Australia is within our grasp and Prime Minister Scott Morrison (ScoMo) has outlined the pathway to recovery with the below roadmap. We are aiming for a COVID-safe economy by July of this year.
The timing of each stage will be up to each individual state based on their COVID-19 conditions. The Queensland Government has stated that Stage 1 will commence next Saturday.
– Step 1 includes: 5 visitors to your home, 10 to businesses and public places
– Step 2 includes: gatherings of 20 people. Gyms, beauty, cinemas open. Caravan, camping grounds and some interstate travel open.
– Step 3 includes: gathering sizes increased to 100. Return to workplace, all interstate travel open, nightclubs, food courts and saunas open.
Please continue to maintain 1.5M social distancing and good hygiene as we continue to move forward and don’t hesitate to contact my office on 07 5432 3177 or at [email protected] if you need any assistance or support.
For record keeping purposes, only queries sent to my email will be answered. Questions via social media won’t be answered.
Remember, let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
#staystrong #staysafe #staypositive #Longman #fixingitsoyougetago
May 7, 2020
Staying Informed
It’s important that the entire community of Longman is kept fully informed about the COVID-19 situation.
I will continue to keep you all updated every step of the way.
Have a listen to my podcast below for the latest information and please don’t hesitate to contact my office on 07 5432 3177 or at [email protected] if you need any assistance or support.
For record keeping purposes, only queries sent to my email will be answered. Questions via social media won’t be answered.
Remember, let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Keep informed about COVID-19 with these useful links: 👇
✅ COVID-19 issues –
✅ Health issues –
✅ Financial matters –
✅ Coronavirus Australia App –…/apps-…/coronavirus-australia-app – You can download the Coronavirus Australia App from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
✅ WhatsApp – – You can download the app onto your computer and your phone.
Make sure you also download the COVIDSafe app –…/apps-and-tools/covidsafe-app
COVIDSafe app links are:
✅ Apple App Store –
✅ Google Play –…
May 8, 2020
The power of community spirit
Keep up the wonderful community spirit #BribieIsland!
Inspirational to see The Bribie Island Community Arts Centre and their Cafe 191 cooking up a storm to make some delicious nutritious meals for Bribie Island’s needy.
It’s also great to see #MoretonBayTough highlighting some of the most inspiring stories from across the Moreton Bay Region at Moreton Daily.
Make sure you check out and keep those motivational stories coming #Longman.
We are all in this together!
May 5, 2020
Morrison Government launches new Domestic Violence campaign
Domestic violence tears lives and families apart.
We need to put an end to domestic violence because there is simply no excuse for abuse.
No one should be given a reason to fear for their life. No one should have to suffer at the hands of someone who should love and protect them.
The Morrison Government has launched a new awareness campaign, Help is Here, to ensure people experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence know where to get help during COVID-19.
This is part of the Government’s $150 million Domestic Violence Support Package to help support services meet demand during these unprecedented times.
Free and confidential counselling is available 24/7 online and over the phone. If you or someone you know needs support contact 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) or MensLine Australia (1300 789 978)
For urgent medical or police help freecall Triple Zero (000).
May, 4 2020
The COVIDSafe app
I’ve downloaded the COVIDSafe app. Have you joined the fight to help stop the spread of COVID-19?
The more people who download this important and voluntary public health app, the safer they and their family will be, the safer our community will be, and the sooner we can get back to business and back to enjoying life.
I strongly encourage you to do the same to save lives and protect our community. Let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
You can find out more about the COVIDSafe app at and you can download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Please contact my office on 07 5432 3177 or at [email protected].
#staystrong #staysafe #staypositive #Longman #fixingitsoyougetago
May 3, 2020
Pumicestone ANZAC time capsule
There’s still plenty of time to get your thinking caps on and have a think about what you want to put in the Pumicestone ANZAC Day Time Capsule.
I’m currently working on getting my submission ready.
The time capsule will be buried at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park later this year. It will then be opened in 20 years, on the 25th of April 2040.
Thank you to State Member for Pumicestone Simone Wilson MP, the Bribie Island RSL Sub Branch and the Bribie Island Vietnam Veterans Association for their fantastic initiative.
You have until the 25th of May to send in your contributions. The full details are below. 👇
May 3, 2020
Flattening the COVID-19 Curve
Australians have done an incredible job flattening the curve and helping to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Let’s keep it up!
As of yesterday, the COVIDSafe app has been downloaded 4 million times in under a week. 📱
When it comes to COVID-19, let’s continue to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
So please take a couple of minutes to download the COVIDSafe app –…/apps-and-tools/covidsafe-app
PLEASE NOTE: If you have downloaded the original Coronavirus Australia app (…/apps-…/coronavirus-australia-app), you will still need to download the COVIDSafe app separately. Doing so is voluntary.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 07 5432 3177.
#staystrong #staysafe #staypositive #Longman #fixingitsoyougetago
May 7, 2020
What a great way to support some of our Longman residents and help brighten their day.
If you have some spare time this weekend, or during the week, why not help your kids to write a letter to the residents at Bribie Respite.
Check out Bribie Respite’s Facebook page or their website for more information and details on how to post your letter.
Who knows, maybe the Wicked Witch of the West will pick up your letter via broom.
May 1, 2020
Coronavirus Australia app
Australians are rising to the challenge and playing their part in the fight against COVID-19, with more than 3.5 million Aussies registering for the voluntary COVIDSafe app in the past four days.
Remember that the COVIDSafe app is green and white and the Coronavirus Australia app is blue, black and white. Please see the below photos and links.
Coronavirus Australia:
However, scammers are attempting to take advantage of our hard-working Australians and we will NOT stand for it.
There is a hoax COVIDSafe text message circulating and we urge anyone who receives this to report it to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission via Scamwatch by visiting
COVIDSafe does not track your location and would not request you to ‘check in’. If you have received this message delete it and do not reply or text/call the phone number provided.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 07 5432 3177. For record keeping purposes, only queries sent to my email will be answered. Questions via social media won’t be answered.
Remember, when it comes to COVID-19, let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
April 30, 2020
Thank you Australia.
Take a look at Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s video about the kindness of Australians here:
April 29, 2020
Let’s take road safety seriously and work together to improve safety innovation and technology across the community of Longman.
Round One of the Road Safety Innovative Fund is now open and I am urging organisations across the electorate to apply.
The Road Safety Innovation Fund is a new initiative that will provide grants to fund innovative research and the development of new or improved existing road safety technologies and products in the areas of:
🚦Improving road safety in regional and remote areas;
🚗 Reducing driver distraction and drug driving;
🚨Improving safety or vulnerable road users; and
📄Supporting road safety research and initiatives specific to the Australian context.
Round One of the program will total $2 million over four financial years, with the maximum grant amount capped at $50,000 per financial year per grant.
The grant guidelines can be found at GrantConnect –
Applicants with questions or queries can email [email protected].
Alternatively, you can contact my office on 07 5432 3177 or at [email protected].
April 28, 2020
Radio Interview with 101.5FM
Today I spoke with the team at 101.5FM – Moreton Bays Own Radio Station about the importance of protecting the wellbeing of all senior Australians, the new voluntary COVIDSafe app, #Longman businesses and the JobKeeper Payment.
You can listen to the full podcast here:…/federal-member-for-longman-terry-yo…/
COVIDSafe App:
For more information please visit:…/apps-and-tools/covidsafe-app
App links are:
✅ Apple App Store –
✅ Google Play –…
Keep informed about COVID-19 with these useful links: 👇
✅ COVID-19 issues –
✅ Health issues –
✅ Financial matters –
✅ Coronavirus Australia App –…/apps-…/coronavirus-australia-app – You can download the Coronavirus Australia App from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
✅ WhatsApp – – You can download the app onto your computer and your phone.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
April 27, 2020
JobKeeper Payments
Over the past couple of months, I have received plenty of feedback from Longman businesses in regards to the issues they are having obtaining bank finance.
I have been speaking with the Treasurer, along with other MPs across Australia, about this issue.
As a result, the banks have released the following Business Jobkeeper dedicated hotlines:
📞 ANZ: 1800 571 123
📞 Bank of Melbourne: 1300 784 873
📞 Bank SA: 1300 669 472
📞 CommBank: 13 26 07
📞 NAB: 1800 JOBKEEPER (1800 562 533)
📞 St George: 1300 730 196
📞 Westpac: 1300 731 073
Banks are also fast-tracking efforts to streamline assessments with the ATO that confirm JobKeeper eligibility. The deadline for enrolments for the JobKeeper Payment has been extended from 30 April 2020 until 31 May 2020.
These efforts will help add to the $700 million worth of loans already provided to businesses to help them through the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
The industry has a range of support to small businesses affected by COVID19, including six month deferrals on loans attached to the business, extending existing lines of credit and waiving fees and charges.
Businesses seeking more information can visit or contact their bank.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177. For record keeping purposes, only queries sent to my email will be answered. Questions via social media won’t be answered.
You can also sign up for my newsletter here at or follow this Facebook page for updates.
When it comes to COVID-19, let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
April 26, 2020
COVIDSafe Launches
The new voluntary COVIDSafe app has been unveiled by the Morrison Government today as part of our plan to stop the spread of COVID-19 in Australia and save lives and livelihoods.
The app is now available to download on your smartphone via the Apple App Store or Google Play and you can register on the app from 6pm tonight. 📱
Through the early notification of possible exposure, this initiative will help keep Australians safe from further spread of COVID-19.
It is very important to note:
1. This is optional not compulsory. However the more people that download the App the quicker we get through this.
2. The government has contracted the company to store this not because they are the most economical, but because they are the most secure.
The advice from Australia’s Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy is that the more people who download this important public health app, the safer they and their family will be, the safer their community will be and the sooner we can safely lift restrictions and get back to business and do the things we love.
For more information about the COVIDSafe app please visit
App links are:
✅ Apple App Store –
✅ Google Play –…
When it comes to COVID-19, let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177. For record keeping purposes, only queries sent to my email will be answered. Questions via social media won’t be answered.
April 25, 2020
When it comes to keeping the ANZAC spirit alive in our community, the people of Longman have continued to inspire me with their talents and creativity today.
One of our constituents sent me these great photos of some lanterns she made from milk cartons to commemorate ANZAC Day.
Another Longman resident made this amazing wreath from egg cartons.
April 25, 2020
This morning, I joined many other Longman residents in remembering and honouring those who have served our nation by holding a Dawn Service of my own for ANZAC Day.
I was proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with the community of Longman as we lit up the dawn.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Lest We Forget
April 24, 2020
Lighting Up The Dawn this ANZAC Day
The people of Longman are getting ready to #LightUpTheDawn tomorrow morning, including one constituent who has decorated his front driveway and kindly shared his photos.
My family and I will be holding our own Dawn Service in our yard tomorrow morning at 6am for ANZAC Day.
Before we head out to pay our respects to the brave servicemen and servicewomen who fought for us, I will be tuning into the live national service at the Australian War Memorial on the ABC.
The ABC is starting pre-service coverage from 5am AEST, with the service broadcast live from the Commemorative Area and Hall of Memory from 5.30am AEST.
April 23, 2020
Getting Creative for ANZAC Day
It’s great to see so many Longman residents rolling up their sleeves and getting creative for ANZAC Day this Saturday.
I’ve received messages from members of the community telling me about their plans to honour and remember the brave servicemen and servicewomen who fought for our country.
From making their own wreaths, holding their own dawn service at 6am to baking ANZAC biscuits, it’s wonderful to see just how strong the ANZAC spirit is in our community.
The below photos are from a local resident who is making her own ANZAC lanterns and who has done a fantastic job.
Please don’t hesitate to send me photos of your ANZAC Day service or homemade poppies or wreaths at [email protected] for me to share on my social media pages or by using the hashtag #AnzacAtHome.
April 22, 2020
I gave the people of Longman and the team at 101.5FM – Moreton Bays Own Radio Station an update about COVID-19 and spoke about ANZAC Day this Saturday, 25th April.
You can listen to the full podcast below.
Look out for my 2020 Commemorative ANZAC Day newsletter, which I have sent to the community of Longman by post. Please contact the office on 5432 3177 if you haven’t received one or would like us to send you a poppy (we have a small amount available).
Or you can contact the Caboolture-Morayfield & District Sub Branch Inc on 5353 9164, as they are delivering poppies to the community.
When it comes to COVID-19, let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Please make sure you are staying informed with the below links: 👇
✅ COVID-19 issues –
✅ Health issues –
✅ Financial matters –
✅ Coronavirus Australia App – – You can download the Coronavirus Australia App from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
✅ WhatsApp – – You can download the app onto your computer and your phone.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177. For record keeping purposes, only queries sent to my email will be answered.
April 21, 2020
2020 Longman ANZAC Newsletter
Have you received your copy of my 2020 Commemorative ANZAC Day newsletter? If you haven’t received one, you should receive it this week or else contact my office and we will send you one.
Remember there are plenty of ways you can still honour and remember the sacrifices of the brave servicemen and servicewomen who fought for our country this Saturday.
You can make your own poppies with your family. I have enclosed the link to the template here:…/event-planning/poppies
You can mark the day by getting involved in the #AnzacAtHome campaign by sharing a video about how you will be commemorating ANZAC Day or your ANZAC Day experience.
You can hold your own Dawn Service (like I will be) by standing at the end of your driveway, on your apartment balcony or by an open window facing the street, at 5:55am on Saturday, 25th April for a 6am service.
We also have a small amount of poppies available from our office, just give us a call on 5432 3177 or contact us at [email protected].
Or you can contact the Caboolture-Morayfield & Dist Sub Branch Inc on 07 5353 9164, as they are delivering poppies to the community.
April 20, 2020
JobKeeper Payment Enrolments Open
Employers can now enrol for the JobKeeper Payment!
The JobKeeper Payment is designed to help businesses affected by COVID-19 to cover the costs of their employees’ wages, so that more employees can retain their job and continue to earn an income.
If you’re an employer please visit and follow the below steps. 👇
✅ Log in to the Business Portal using myGovID, select ‘Manage employees’ then JobKeeper payment link.
✅ Fill in the JobKeeper enrolment form.
✅ Notify all your eligible employees you have nominated them.
Enrol by the end of April to receive payment as early as possible.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
April 19, 2020
My Business Health
I know that business owners are experiencing a significant amount of pressure dealing with the impacts of COVID-19.
In these trying times, prioritising your mental health and wellbeing is so important.
My Business Health is a website that offers simple and practical information to help small businesses owners through this difficult period.
Services include:
✅ Latest information on Government support measures.
✅ Financial advice.
✅ Mental Health contacts.
✅ Resources to assist stress management.
For more information please visit
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
April 18, 2020
Longman ANZAC Day
I feel deeply saddened that Longman’s usual ANZAC Day services will not be going ahead this year, due to COVID-19.
The decision to cancel ANZAC Day dawn services and parades across Australia was made with the welfare of millions of Australians in mind and was not made lightly.
But we can still honour the sacrifices of our armed service members in other ways, because no virus can impact how our community thanks and commemorates its veterans.
You can mark the day by getting involved in the #AnzacAtHome campaign by sharing a video about how you will be commemorating ANZAC Day or your ANZAC Day experience using the hashtag #AnzacAtHome.
Or you can take The Poppy Pledge and honour the brave men and women who fought for our country by holding your own Dawn Service on ANZAC Day.
The Poppy Pledge encourages participants to stand at the end of their driveway, on their apartment balcony or by an open window facing the street, at 5:55am on Saturday, 25th April for a 6am Dawn Service of their own.
You can read more about the pledge here: https://
We have a small amount of poppies available from our office, just give us a call on 5432 3177 contact us at [email protected].
April 17, 2020
Australia Makes Great Progress with COVID-19
I’m proud to say that Australia has made great progress when it comes to slowing down the spread of COVID-19.
But this is not over yet. Although we are flattening the curve, we still need to take it one day at a time so that we can do our part to try and prevent future outbreaks from threatening our communities.
As the Prime Minister said yesterday, the National Cabinet agreed, based on the expert medical advice, to keeping baseline restrictions in place for at least another four weeks.
There are three important steps that need to be put in place before we can consider easing those restrictions:
1. A more extensive surveillance testing regime.
2. Even greater contact tracing capabilities than we have now and we need to do that using technology, with the support of Australians.
3. Local response capabilities to contain outbreaks where they occur.
I know it’s tough, but I urge you to stay strong, stay safe and stay positive. As you can see from the below graph, social distancing is working.
Let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
April 16, 2020
COVID-19 Update with 101.5FM
When it comes to COVID-19, let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
I spoke to the team at 101.5FM – Moreton Bays Own Radio Station about how the people of Longman are dealing with the COVID-19 issue.
Please make sure you are staying informed with the below links: 👇
✅ COVID-19 issues –
✅ Health issues –
✅ Financial matters –
✅ Coronavirus Australia App –…/apps-…/coronavirus-australia-app – You can download the Coronavirus Australia App from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
✅ WhatsApp – – You can download the app onto your computer and your phone.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177. For record keeping purposes, only queries sent to my email will be answered.
April 15, 2020
Australia’s First Aboriginal Community-Controlled Health Service GP-led respiratory clinic opens!
Australia’s first Aboriginal Community-Controlled Health Service GP-led respiratory clinic has opened in Caboolture.
The Caboolture Indigenous Respiratory Clinic is fully federally funded and was established as part of the Morrison Government’s $2.4 billion health package in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
This clinic has the capacity to conduct up to 100 tests per day and will be run by the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH).
It will ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people/s in the community have access to respiratory assessment services. Currently, there are 24,000 indigenous peoples living in the Moreton Bay Region.
The Morrison Government is investing $206.7 million to establish up to 100 GP-led respiratory clinics across Australia to assess patients with mild to moderate COVID-19-like symptoms.
Please visit to make an appointment. Please attend the clinic only at the time of your booking and make sure you don’t walk in without an appointment.
When it comes to COVID-19, let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
April 14, 2020
Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service
During this time, it’s important to look after your health and wellbeing.
A new 24/7 support service specifically designed to help people through COVID-19 is now available free of charge to all Australians.
The Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service has been developed by Beyond Blue to address concerns about COVID-19, including financial stress, family stress, anxiety and loneliness.
The service offers easy access to a broad range of practical supports from online wellbeing tips, self-help tools to phone counselling from trained mental health professionals and peer to peer support.
The Australian Government will provide $10 million over 2019-20 and 2020-21 to Beyond Blue for the service.
For free 24/7 mental health support during COVID-19, please visit – or call 1800 512 348.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
April 13, 2020
Health Hub Doctors Morayfield Reminding People to Stay Safe
They’ve definitely got the moves!
A great reminder from the healthcare professionals at the Health Hub Doctors Morayfield to stay safe and look after yourself.
If you have any concerns, you can book online via or call their respiratory clinic on 5322 4901. Please make an appointment, don’t just walk in.
When it comes to the coronavirus (COVID-19), let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
April 12, 2020
Happy Easter everyone!
April 11, 2020
Wishing everyone a Happy Easter!
Happy Easter everyone!
I hope you all enjoy spending time with your families today and please remember to stay home unless you need to leave your home for essential purposes.
April 11, 2020
Welcoming the Easter Bunny
My letter to the Easter Bunny, welcoming him to the electorate of Longman tonight and reminding him about the protocols and to wash his paws after every delivery of delicious chocolate Easter Eggs.
What will you be putting out for the Easter Bunny tonight?
Remember to stay home this Easter. Let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
April 10, 2020
Be Part of the Solution, Not Part of the Problem!
Will you accept the call?
We are urging all #Australians to join the fight and help stop the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
We cannot let our efforts be in vain and we cannot gamble with the lives and livelihoods of millions of Australians. Let’s work together, act on the advice of health professionals, adhere to the protocols and continue to flatten the curb.
So please stay at home this Easter, don’t go on a day trip to Bribie Island, don’t travel, don’t go away and only leave your home for essential reasons.
Let’s be part of the solution, not part of the problem!
Remember, for factual and fast information, the Australian Government’s website – – should be your first source for information on the coronavirus (COVID-19). For health information head to and for financial matters go to –
Coronavirus Australia App:
You can download the Coronavirus app from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Please click on this link for more information:…/apps-…/coronavirus-australia-app
Or you can join our WhatsApp community. Simply visit to learn more. You can download the app onto your computer and your phone.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177 (we will be closed for the long Easter weekend, but are back on board on Tuesday, 14th April).
April 9, 2020
Longman Church Services
I know that many Longman residents will be worried about missing out on the Easter Services at their local Church.
So I have enclosed below a list of local churches who will be live streaming their service online. Please contact your church to find out their service times.
If you don’t see your church on here, give them a call to find out if they will be holding an online service.
St Paul’s Lutheran Church Caboolture – Good Friday and Easter Sunday-
St Peter’s Caboolture – Good Friday –
St Michael’s Caboolture – Easter Sunday – https://jta.LIVE
Caboolture Baptist Church – Good Friday and Easter Sunday –
City Heart Presbyterian Church, Caboolture – Good Friday and Easter Sunday –
Caboolture Living Hope Church of Christ – Good Friday and Easter Sunday –
St. Laurence’s Anglican Church – Good Friday and Easter Sunday –
Connect Church – Good Friday and Easter Sunday –
HopePointe Church – Easter Sunday –
Destiny Church Caboolture – Good Friday and Easter Sunday –
Citipointe Church – Good Friday and Easter Sunday –
Creekside Community Church – Easter Service –
Freshwater Anglican Parish – Easter Sunday –
New Creation Christian Church – Good Friday – (please get in touch with the church for the link for their Sunday service)
Bribie Island:
Bribie Anglican Church (St Peters) – or
Bribie Island Uniting Church –
Bribie Island Baptist Church –
Freedom Church –
Bribie Island Adventist Church –
Awesome Bribie Island International Network Churches –
St Mary’s Woodford – Easter Vigil –
9 April, 2020
$130 billion JobKeeper Payment Passes Parliament
Last night marked the passing of the $130 billion JobKeeper wage subsidy package through the Australian Parliament.
This has given us the green light we need to continue laying the foundations for a stronger economic recovery once the COVID – 19 situation passes by keeping Australians in work and businesses in business.
Please visit this link to find out what this means for you as a business or as an employee:
Remember, everyone’s situation is different, so if you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177. For record keeping purposes, only queries sent to my email will be answered. Questions via social media won’t be answered.
You can stay updated by signing up for my newsletter here or by following this page.
April 8, 2020
My Interview with 101.5FM
I updated the people of Longman on the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation on 101.5FM – Moreton Bays Own Radio Station.
I also spoke about the current protocols in place and urged people to stay home and stay away from Bribie Island, unless it’s for essential purposes.
You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the link below.
Remember, for factual and fast information, the Australian Government’s website – – should be your first source for information on the coronavirus (COVID-19). For health information head to and for financial matters go to –
Coronavirus Australia App:
You can download the Coronavirus app from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Please click on this link for more information:
Or you can join our WhatsApp community. Simply visit to learn more. You can download the app onto your computer and your phone.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177. For record keeping purposes, only queries sent to my email will be answered. Questions via social media won’t be answered.
April 7, 2020
World Health Day 
Our healthcare workers play a vital role in our community and I am grateful to each and every health professional in the community of Longman and across Australia.
Currently, nurses and other health workers are at the frontlines of the coronavirus (COVID-19) response, putting their own health at risk to protect the broader community.
Thank you for all the lives you have saved and the lives you will save. Thank you for the high-quality healthcare that you provide on a daily basis. Thank you for the kindness and care you show to your patients.
Your efforts, achievements and vital role in keeping the world healthy are recognised and celebrated.
April 6, 2020
Economic Support Payment
My office is working hard to assist #Longman residents who are reaching out to us for help or advice during these challenging times.
One of the many questions we are getting is when the $750 Economic Support Payment will be reaching people’s bank accounts.
This economic stimulus payment is being automatically rolled out from March 31, with most people due to get it by the 20th April 2020. Remember you must be eligible for this one-off payment.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
You can also sign up for my newsletter for any updates at https://
April 5, 2020
Social distancing is working!
It’s important to listen and act on health advice, and we need every Australian to play their part in helping to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and save lives.
You can help by:
✅ Staying at home and only going out if it’s for essential purposes.
✅ Practising good hygiene, such as washing your hands often with soap and water and covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze.
✅ Keeping 1.5 metres away from others, where possible.
Learn more about social distancing at
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
April 4, 2020
Keeping Australian Kids Safe Online
With more and more Australians and their families staying home due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), it’s important to help them and their children to keep safe online.
You can keep up to date with the latest online safety tips here:
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177
April 3, 2020
Message from Prime Minister Scott Morrison
A message from Prime Minister Scott Morrison (ScoMo) about supporting you and your family through the coronavirus (COVID-19). Please view the video here:
Please remember:
Social gatherings outdoors have now been restricted to two people, with the exception of families.
On the basis of health advice, it is recommended that people over the age of 70 stay-at-home and limit contact with others as much as possible.
Stay home as much as possible, with the exceptions being grocery shopping, going to medical appointments, exercising and work, if working from home is not possible.
Stay informed and keep checking the below links for updates:
Coronavirus updates:
Health information:
Financial information:
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
April 2, 2020
Morrison Government Launches Jobs Hub
The Morrison Government’s new Jobs Hub website has been launched today!
We know how important it is to keep as many of our hard-working Australians in work as possible, so the Morrison Government is doing everything it can to keep Australians connected to the workforce during this time.
An up to date list of a selection of businesses and organisations that are currently hiring, and how to contact them, can be found at:
Employers who are hiring and want support to connect with potential candidates can also contact the Department of Education, Skills and Employment at [email protected].
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
April 1, 2020
Helping Longman Businesses
In order to help our small businesses in Longman, myself and State Member for Pumicestone Simone Wilson MP have paid for two pages in The Local Island and Surrounds so that our local businesses can advertise and update the community in the paper for FREE.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
March 31, 2020
Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) with 101.5FM – Moreton Bay’s Own Radio Station
I was back on the airwaves today with the team from 101.5FM – Moreton Bays Own Radio Station to give the people of Longman an update on where we are at with the coronavirus (COVID-19).
You can listen to the full podcast at the link here.
Don’t forget as well as checking for health information and for financial advice, you can also access factual and fast information straight from your phone or your desktop.
Take a look at for more information on how to install the Australian Government’s Coronavirus Australia app and the Whatsapp chatbot. The app is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
March 30, 2020
The Morrison Government Unveils JobKeeper Payment
The Morrison Government is working tirelessly to keep our hardworking Aussies in jobs with a $130 billion JobKeeper payment announced by Prime Minister Scott Morrison today.
A wage subsidy will be provided to around 6 million workers who will receive a flat payment of $1,500 per fortnight through their employer, before tax.
The payment will be open to eligible businesses that receive a significant financial hit caused by the coronavirus.
View more details about this payment here:
View the Prime Minister’s update here:
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
March 29, 2020
Further Morrison Government Measures Against COVID-19
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has just announced further protocols to support Australians through the coronavirus (COVID-19).
✅ Social gatherings outdoors have now been restricted to two people, with the exception of families.
✅ On the basis of health advice, it is recommended that people over the age of 70 stay-at-home and limit contact with others as much as possible.
✅ Stay home as much as possible, with the exceptions being grocery shopping, going to medical appointments, exercising and work, if working from home is not possible.
✅ All playgrounds, skateparks and outside gyms will be closed from tomorrow.
Social distancing is working! This is clear from the 25-30 per cent to 13-15 per cent drop in the increase of coronavirus cases in Australia!
To find out more please visit: or for health information visit:
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
March 28, 2020
Supporting Australians Through Coronavirus
I am fighting for you Longman. The Morrison Government is fighting for each and every Australian.
We are focused on getting through this coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, supporting you every step of the way and saving lives and livelihoods.
That’s why Prime Minister Scott Morrison this morning announced a $1.1 billion package to boost mental health services, domestic violence support, Medicare assistance for people at home and emergency food relief.
For more information on this package visit:…/11-billion-support-more-mental-heal….
For health information please visit:
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
March 27, 2020
Staying Informed With The Australian Government
I’m encouraging all Longman residents, as well as every Australian, to download the Coronavirus Australia App and join the WhatsApp channel by going to for important and factual information on the coronavirus. This can be done on your mobile device or computer.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
March 28, 2020
The Importance of Government Protocols With 101.5FM
I spoke to the team at 101.5FM – Moreton Bays Own Radio Station about the importance of following the protocols the Federal Government has put in place and making sure Longman residents are informed when it comes to the coronavirus (COVID-19).
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
For health information please visit: or to find out more about the economic stimulus package please visit this link:
March 27, 2020
Pathway Ahead Clear
The pathway ahead was clear from Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s speech this afternoon. Every Australian has their own part to play when it comes to protecting lives and livelihoods. We must continue to work together.
The Prime Minister has also announced the following protocols:
From midnight tomorrow night, anyone who arrives in Australia will be immediately quarantined for two weeks in hotels and other similar accommodation buildings. If they are transiting to another state, they can’t for 2 weeks.
The Australian Defence Force will assist State and Territory Police in this, and will be making visits to those who have already declared they are self-isolating at home to ensure they are doing so.
See the full video here.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
March 26, 2020
My Message To The People of Longman
I know that life has changed for the people of Longman over the past few weeks, just as it has changed for every Australian across our great nation.
But I just wanted to provide you all with a quick update about my visit to Parliament in Canberra on Monday night to pass the economic stimulus package and what the Morrison Government is doing to help Australians through this coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.
View my video here.
So, if you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
For health information please visit: or to find out more about the economic stimulus package please visit this link:
March 25, 2020
Staying Informed With Australian Government Apps
Have you received this text from the Australian Government?
Please read and act.
Starting today, every Australian mobile phone will be sent a text message from the Australian Government with important steps each person can take to protect their own health, the health of their families and the health of the whole community from the coronavirus (COVID-19).
We need every Australian to do their bit to help stop the spread of the coronavirus and protect lives.
✅ Be at least 1.5 metres away from everyone and don’t gather with others.
✅ If you’re sick, stay at home.
✅ Wash your hands and do it often.
✅ Cough or sneeze into your elbow and not your hands.
✅ Don’t touch your face at all, even if it itches.
✅ And if you’ve returned from overseas or in isolation you must adhere to the rules.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
March 24, 2020
March is Endometriosis Awareness Month!
March is endometriosis awareness month and today I wore my lapel to support Endometriosis Australia.
This charity endeavours to increase recognition of endometriosis, provides education programs and helps to fund research for the condition.
With the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, it’s easy to forget that there are other people suffering in our communities in different ways.
10% of women suffer with endometriosis at some point in their life. Endomtriosis is a common disease in which the tissue that is similiar to the lining of the womb grows outside it in other parts of the body.
The Morrison Government has committed funding to support endometriosis awareness and education programs, clinical management and care, and research.
On 26th July 2018, Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt launched the National Action Plan for Endometriosis, which outlines a new approach to improving awareness and understanding of endometriosis, speeding up diagnosis and developing better diagnostic and treatment options.
At the launch, Minister Hunt announced a further $1.2 million to help implement the recommendations of the Action Plan, bringing total investment to $4.7 million.
Watch my video here and please visit Endometriosis Australia here for more information:
March 23, 2020
Passing the Morrison Government’s Stimulus Package
It was a long night in Canberra, but we passed the Morrison Government’s economic stimulus package through Parliament last night.
Now to return to the community of Longman so that I can continue to fight for each and every one of you.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
You can also sign up for my newsletter for any updates at or keep an eye on my Facebook page.
March 24, 2020
Managing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Anxiety
A great Facebook post from Prime Minister Scott Morrison with some tips on how you can try and manage any anxiety you may have in regards to the coronavirus (COVID-19).
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
March 23, 2020
Pink Ribbon Charity Golf Day
Today I’m in Parliament House in Canberra in order to pass through the house the two economic stimulus packages announced by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, so that people can carry on with their lives.
But on Friday, I was wearing pink for a good cause. It was great to head to the Woorim Golf Course for the Pink Ribbon Golf Charity Day and tee off to help raise funds to support those affected by breast cancer.
Pink Ribbon Day will be held in October this year and aims to help Cancer Council improve the quality of life for those affected by women’s cancers, along with research into potential new treatments and prevention measures.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
March 23, 2020
Important Information About The Coronavirus
Important information for parents about the coronavirus (COVID-19) from the Australian Government’s
Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy. Watch the full video here.
For the latest health information go to You can also sign up for my newsletter for any updates at or keep an eye on this page.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177.
March 22, 2020
I’m Fighting For You Longman
I have your back Longman. The Morrison Government has your back.
That’s why I am proud to see Prime Minister Scott Morrison (ScoMo) today announce the government’s second stimulus package to cushion the economic impact of the coronavirus.
A total of $189 billion is being injected into the economy by all arms of Government in order to keep Australians in work and businesses in business.
For further information on the package please visit this link or for health information go to
You can also sign up for my newsletter for any updates at or keep an eye on this page.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 5432 3177. For record keeping purposes, only queries sent to my email will be answered. Questions via social media won’t be answered.
Thank you for your cooperation.