Australians have done an incredible job flattening the curve and helping to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Let’s keep it up!
As of yesterday, the COVIDSafe app has been downloaded 4 million times in under a week. 📱
When it comes to COVID-19, let’s continue to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
So please take a couple of minutes to download the COVIDSafe app –…/apps-and-tools/covidsafe-app
PLEASE NOTE: If you have downloaded the original Coronavirus Australia app (…/apps-…/coronavirus-australia-app), you will still need to download the COVIDSafe app separately. Doing so is voluntary.
If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call the office on 07 5432 3177.
#staystrong #staysafe #staypositive #Longman #fixingitsoyougetago